Restore Hope

Embrace Self-Care & Inner Calm During Difficult Days: Your 5-week Self-Love Yoga Nidra Journey

Register for Restore Hope for $297 (2-payment option available)

Happiness, peace, love, care, and kindness to ourselves and others are fundamental human rights.

However, sometimes life throws us a curve ball; our inner sense of calm, harmony, and hope is disrupted during personal loss, unexpected health challenges, family break-downs, financial crises, and global tragedies.

During these times, we feel like the earth has crumbled beneath our feet and our backs are stuck against a wall.

We struggle to focus, care for ourselves, and move forward because we feel empty, numb, and maybe even angry and brokenhearted.

All we want is for the pain and suffering to stop and for us to feel safe and secure again, yet everything has shifted and changed.

We may even begin to doubt our strength and ability to carry on.

Thankfully, my dear friend, there is a path forward. It is possible—not easy—to pick ourselves up and receive relief.

To feel more focused and at ease, and to find pockets of peace, joy, and even hope again.

And that's what I hope for you.

About the Restore Hope Course:

This 5-week online guided course is designed to introduce you to simple life-affirming practices and techniques of yoga nidra and relaxation meditations to weave rest and more peace and joy into your day when you feel uncertain, lost, overwhelmed, or under heavy pressure.

Restore Hope may be suitable for you if you are experiencing:

  • Bereavement of a parent, child, partner, pet or close friend
  • Recovering from a breakdown of a relationship
  • Changes in your status at work or home,
  • Loss of interest in life and struggling to care for yourself
  • Difficulty relaxing, unwinding, falling asleep, and spending the day in a daze trying to connect the dots and feel at ease

Throughout each weekly 60-minute pre-recorded class, the yoga nidra meditation gently supports you to rest, deeply relax, and nourish your soul so you feel rested and can get on with the rest of your day.

Although each class is scheduled for 60 minutes, active in-class time is 50 to 55 minutes, so there is time to pause and gently transition into the next phase of your day or even drift off to sleep!

What is in it for me?

High stress, grief, and loss affect us all differently.

From my experience of loss, I know that when we grieve, it is easy to neglect and nurture our most valuable asset: ourselves.

Restore Hope gives you the space (and, if needed, permission) to unwind and care for yourself in a calm, supportive space, as you gently reclaim your right to breathe, rest and heal.

What Does the Course Cover?

A specific theme is explored in the pre-recorded resources and classes every week to facilitate your well-being.

Please use the weekly material leading to the next class to strengthen and nourish yourself during the week.

Once you log onto the online course platform, you will receive a weekly

  • Powerful self-love affirmation to remind you how beautiful you are
  • Short, guided, recorded video meditation to calm and quiet your mind—any time of the day
  • Inspirational poem to soothe and soften your heart whenever the gremlins surface

Plus, I will guide you through the following guided yoga nidra meditations during the previously recorded weekly class.

  • Week 1: Nourish and Strengthen Your Body
    • Yoga Nidra Meditation to soften and release body tension so you can find your feet and rediscover calm in the present moment.
  • Week 2: Reclaim Your Breath
    • Yoga Nidra guided breathing meditation to restore your energy and quiet your mind.
  • Week 3: Release Worries and Pains from Your Heart
    • Yoga Nidra Meditation to create space and peace in your heart.
  • Week 4: Surrender to Love
    • Yoga Nidra Meditation for self-compassion and loving-kindness.
  • Week 5: Rekindle Your Zest For Life
    • Yoga Nidra Meditation to help you stay hopeful and give yourself love and tender care.

What You Will Learn

During this gently guided Yoga Nidra Meditation course, the various life-affirming practices, techniques and live classes will support and encourage you to:

  • Unravel tension from your body so you can unwind from a rough day
  • Refresh your mind after a tough night so you can start the next day with hope and fewer worries
  • Restore your energy and give yourself love so you can start taking better care of yourself
  • Gain practical insights into ways to move through your loss and strengthen your desire for change

You may also email me at [email protected] with any questions or aha-moments.

Thank you for trusting me to support you in this season of your healing journey.

I'm grateful and excited to travel this path of restorative rest, joy and peace with you.

With peace and deep bows.

Ntathu Allen xxx

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! Each course lesson unlocks weekly and with your active account, you'll retain access to every lesson.
How long do I have access?
How does lifetime access sound? After completing enrollment, you have unlimited access to this course - across any and all devices you own and for the lifetime of Meditation for Beginners with Ntathu Allen.
What if I can't make that date and time?
That’s OK! The classes are recorded, so regardless of where you are and what’s happening, you may listen to the recorded meditations at your convenience.
Do I have to sit, stand, lie down?
You have the choice. You will be welcome to move, stand up, sit on a chair or lie down, whatever feels right. You can switch positions anytime during the session; the most important thing is to find a restful, comfortable and supportive position.
What do I need to participate?
Ideally, wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes (PJs are acceptable!). A soft blanket to cover your body and a cushion or pillow to support your head and one under your knees if lying down to support your lower back make it a more pleasant and comfortable experience.
Will you send email reminders about the lessons?
Of course, you'll receive a total of 24 emails over the course of 6 weeks. Each email guides you to a specific lesson in the Restore Hope curriculum. Lessons are offered slowly over the 6 weeks to allow you time to sit with and practice the techniques you're learning. Once all the lessons are released to you, you may move through them any time and at your own pace. There are no live classes to attend or schedules to keep. You may always email me with any questions or concerns. You’ll see a reminder email when each lesson is released to you.
I have questions you didn't answer ...
If you have any other questions or concerns not covered by the above, please email me at [email protected], and I will be happy to assist you.

Is your next step Restore Hope: The Guided Relaxation and Meditation Course to help you through grief and loss?

If yes, I invite you to simply click the Register for Restore Hope button below, and I'll see you inside. Thank you.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Ntathu Allen (she/her)
Ntathu Allen (she/her)

Ntathu Allen (she/her), author, yoga and meditation teacher, and yoga nidra facilitator, specialises in providing compassionate support to people experiencing periods of intense stress to care for themselves, be kinder to themselves, and rediscover hope in their lives.

She offers this through her writing and facilating guided yoga nidra meditation techniques to help you rest and reccharge -even on the most challenging days.

Furthermore, as a a Black-British woman, Ntathu is also particularly passionate about sharing her lived experiences and skills to globally support Black and Brown Women worldwide to prioritise rest so they can stay nourished, taken care of, and move forward—and find joy - even in the face of severe stress.